PaStiX Handbook  6.3.2
schur.c File Reference

Schur usage example. More...

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Detailed Description

Schur usage example.

Pierre Ramet
Mathieu Faverge
Matias Hastaran
Tony Delarue
Alycia Lisito
#include <pastix.h>
#include <spm.h>
#include <lapacke.h>
schurFactorize( pastix_coeftype_t flttype,
pastix_factotype_t factotype,
void *S,
int **ipiv )
int info = 0;
assert( ipiv != NULL );
if ( factotype == PastixFactGETRF ) {
*ipiv = malloc( N * sizeof(int) );
switch (flttype) {
case PastixFloat:
switch (factotype) {
info = LAPACKE_spotrf_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'L', N, S, lds );
info = LAPACKE_sgetrf_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, N, N, S, lds, *ipiv );
fprintf(stderr, "Factorization type not handled by Schur example\n");
case PastixComplex32:
switch (factotype) {
info = LAPACKE_cpotrf_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'L', N, S, lds );
info = LAPACKE_cgetrf_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, N, N, S, lds, *ipiv );
fprintf(stderr, "Factorization type not handled by Schur example\n");
case PastixComplex64:
switch (factotype) {
info = LAPACKE_zpotrf_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'L', N, S, lds );
info = LAPACKE_zgetrf_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, N, N, S, lds, *ipiv );
fprintf(stderr, "Factorization type not handled by Schur example\n");
case PastixDouble:
switch (factotype) {
info = LAPACKE_dpotrf_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'L', N, S, lds );
info = LAPACKE_dgetrf_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, N, N, S, lds, *ipiv );
fprintf(stderr, "Factorization type not handled by Schur example\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect arithmetic type\n");
if (info != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error in schurFactorize with info =%d\n", info );
schurSolve( pastix_coeftype_t flttype,
pastix_factotype_t factotype,
pastix_int_t Nschur,
void *S,
void *bptr,
int **ipiv )
int info = 0;
assert(ipiv != NULL);
switch (flttype) {
case PastixFloat:
float *b = (float *)bptr;
switch (factotype) {
info = LAPACKE_spotrs_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'L', Nschur, NRHS, S, lds, b, ldb );
info = LAPACKE_sgetrs_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'N', Nschur, NRHS, S, lds, *ipiv, b, ldb );
fprintf(stderr, "Factorization type not handled by Schur example\n");
case PastixComplex32:
switch (factotype) {
info = LAPACKE_cpotrs_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'L', Nschur, NRHS, S, lds, b, ldb );
info = LAPACKE_cgetrs_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'N', Nschur, NRHS, S, lds, *ipiv, b, ldb );
fprintf(stderr, "Factorization type not handled by Schur example\n");
case PastixComplex64:
pastix_complex64_t *b = (pastix_complex64_t *)bptr;
switch (factotype) {
info = LAPACKE_zpotrs_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'L', Nschur, NRHS, S, lds, b, ldb );
info = LAPACKE_zgetrs_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'N', Nschur, NRHS, S, lds, *ipiv, b, ldb );
fprintf(stderr, "Factorization type not handled by Schur example\n");
case PastixDouble:
double *b = (double *)bptr;
switch (factotype) {
info = LAPACKE_dpotrs_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'L', Nschur, NRHS, S, lds, b, ldb );
info = LAPACKE_dgetrs_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, 'N', Nschur, NRHS, S, lds, *ipiv, b, ldb );
fprintf(stderr, "Factorization type not handled by Schur example\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect arithmetic type\n");
if (*ipiv != NULL) {
free( *ipiv );
*ipiv = NULL;
if (info != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error in schurSolve with info =%d\n", info );
int main (int argc, char **argv)
pastix_data_t *pastix_data = NULL; /*< Pointer to the storage structure required by pastix */
pastix_int_t iparm[IPARM_SIZE]; /*< Integer in/out parameters for pastix */
double dparm[DPARM_SIZE]; /*< Floating in/out parameters for pastix */
spm_driver_t driver;
char *filename = NULL;
spmatrix_t *spm, spm2;
void *x, *b, *S, *x0 = NULL;
size_t size;
int scatter = 0;
int check = 1;
int nrhs = 1;
int rc = 0;
pastix_int_t nschur, lds, ldb;
int *ipiv = NULL;
* Initialize parameters to default values
pastixInitParam( iparm, dparm );
* Get options from command line
pastixGetOptions( argc, argv,
iparm, dparm,
&check, &scatter, &driver, &filename );
if ( (iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION] == PastixFactLDLT) ||
fprintf(stderr, "This types of factorization (LDL^t and LDL^h) are not supported by this example.\n");
* Startup PaStiX
pastixInit( &pastix_data, MPI_COMM_WORLD, iparm, dparm );
* Read the sparse matrix with the driver
spm = malloc( sizeof( spmatrix_t ) );
if ( scatter ) {
rc = spmReadDriverDist( driver, filename, spm, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
else {
rc = spmReadDriver( driver, filename, spm );
free( filename );
if ( rc != SPM_SUCCESS ) {
pastixFinalize( &pastix_data );
return rc;
spmPrintInfo( spm, stdout );
rc = spmCheckAndCorrect( spm, &spm2 );
if ( rc != 0 ) {
spmExit( spm );
*spm = spm2;
* Generate a Fake values array if needed for the numerical part
if ( spm->flttype == SpmPattern ) {
spmGenFakeValues( spm );
* Initialize the schur list with the first third of the unknowns
nschur = spm->gN / 3;
/* Set to a maximum to avoid memory problem with the test */
nschur = (nschur > 5000) ? 5000 : nschur;
if ( nschur > 0 ) {
pastix_int_t baseval = spmFindBase(spm);
pastix_int_t *list = (pastix_int_t*)malloc(nschur * sizeof(pastix_int_t));
for (i=0; i<nschur; i++) {
list[i] = i+baseval;
pastixSetSchurUnknownList( pastix_data, nschur, list );
free( list );
iparm[IPARM_SCHUR_SOLV_MODE] = PastixSolvModeInterface;
* Perform ordering, symbolic factorization, and analyze steps
pastix_task_analyze( pastix_data, spm );
* Normalize A matrix (optional, but recommended for low-rank functionality)
double normA = spmNorm( SpmFrobeniusNorm, spm );
spmScal( 1./normA, spm );
* Perform the numerical factorization
pastix_task_numfact( pastix_data, spm );
* Get the Schur complement back
lds = nschur;
S = malloc( pastix_size_of( spm->flttype ) * nschur * lds );
rc = pastixGetSchur( pastix_data, S, lds );
if( rc == -1 ){
spmExit( spm );
free( spm );
free( S );
pastixFinalize( &pastix_data );
* Factorize the Schur complement
schurFactorize( spm->flttype, iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION],
nschur, S, lds, &ipiv );
* Generates the b and x vector such that A * x = b
* Compute the norms of the initial vectors if checking purpose.
size = pastix_size_of( spm->flttype ) * spm->nexp * nrhs;
x = malloc( size );
b = malloc( size );
ldb = spm->nexp;
if ( check )
if ( check > 1 ) {
x0 = malloc( size );
spmGenRHS( SpmRhsRndX, nrhs, spm, x0, spm->nexp, b, spm->nexp );
memcpy( x, b, size );
else {
spmGenRHS( SpmRhsRndB, nrhs, spm, NULL, spm->nexp, x, spm->nexp );
/* Apply also normalization to b vectors */
spmScalMat( 1./normA, spm, nrhs, b, spm->nexp );
* Solve the linear system Ax = (P^tLUP)x = b
/* 1- Apply P to b */
pastixRhsInit( &Xp );
spm->nexp, nrhs, x, ldb, Xp );
/* 2- Forward solve on the non Schur complement part of the system */
diag = PastixNonUnit;
else if( iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION] == PastixFactGETRF ) {
diag = PastixUnit;
/* 3- Solve the Schur complement part */
void *schur_x;
size = pastix_size_of( spm->flttype ) * nschur * nrhs;
schur_x = malloc( size );
pastixRhsSchurGet( pastix_data, nschur, nrhs, Xp, schur_x, nschur );
schurSolve( spm->flttype, iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION],
nschur, nrhs, S, lds, schur_x, nschur, &ipiv );
pastixRhsSchurSet( pastix_data, nschur, nrhs, schur_x, nschur, Xp );
free( schur_x );
/* 4- Backward solve on the non Schur complement part of the system */
pastix_subtask_trsm( pastix_data,
Xp );
else if( iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION] == PastixFactGETRF ) {
pastix_subtask_trsm( pastix_data,
Xp );
/* 5- Apply P^t to x */
spm->nexp, nrhs, x, ldb, Xp );
if ( check )
rc = spmCheckAxb( dparm[DPARM_EPSILON_REFINEMENT], nrhs, spm, x0, spm->nexp, b, spm->nexp, x, spm->nexp );
if ( x0 ) {
free( x0 );
spmExit( spm );
free( spm );
free( S );
free( x );
free( b );
pastixFinalize( &pastix_data );
return rc;
BEGIN_C_DECLS typedef int pastix_int_t
Definition: datatypes.h:51
float _Complex pastix_complex32_t
Definition: datatypes.h:76
int pastixRhsInit(pastix_rhs_t *rhs)
Initialize an RHS data structure.
Definition: pastix_rhs.c:41
int pastixRhsFinalize(pastix_rhs_t rhs)
Cleanup an RHS data structure.
Definition: pastix_rhs.c:86
spm_coeftype_t pastix_coeftype_t
Arithmetic types.
Definition: api.h:294
void pastixFinalize(pastix_data_t **pastix_data)
Finalize the solver instance.
Definition: api.c:919
enum pastix_diag_e pastix_diag_t
void pastixInitParam(pastix_int_t *iparm, double *dparm)
Initialize the iparm and dparm arrays to their default values.
Definition: api.c:411
void pastixInit(pastix_data_t **pastix_data, PASTIX_Comm pastix_comm, pastix_int_t *iparm, double *dparm)
Initialize the solver instance.
Definition: api.c:896
enum pastix_factotype_e pastix_factotype_t
Factorization algorithms available for IPARM_FACTORIZATION parameter.
@ PastixDirForward
Definition: api.h:513
@ PastixDirBackward
Definition: api.h:514
@ PastixFactLDLH
Definition: api.h:319
@ PastixFactLDLT
Definition: api.h:316
@ PastixFactPOTRF
Definition: api.h:310
@ PastixFactGETRF
Definition: api.h:312
Definition: api.h:161
Definition: api.h:99
Definition: api.h:107
@ PastixUpper
Definition: api.h:466
@ PastixLower
Definition: api.h:467
@ PastixLeft
Definition: api.h:495
@ PastixUnit
Definition: api.h:488
@ PastixNonUnit
Definition: api.h:487
@ PastixConjTrans
Definition: api.h:447
@ PastixNoTrans
Definition: api.h:445
void pastixGetOptions(int argc, char **argv, pastix_int_t *iparm, double *dparm, int *check, int *scatter, spm_driver_t *driver, char **filename)
PaStiX helper function to read command line options in examples.
Definition: get_options.c:149
void pastixSetSchurUnknownList(pastix_data_t *pastix_data, pastix_int_t n, const pastix_int_t *list)
Set the list of unknowns that belongs to the schur complement.
Definition: schur.c:50
int pastixGetSchur(const pastix_data_t *pastix_data, void *S, pastix_int_t lds)
Return the Schur complement.
Definition: schur.c:90
int pastixRhsSchurSet(const pastix_data_t *pastix_data, pastix_int_t m, pastix_int_t n, void *B, pastix_int_t ldb, pastix_rhs_t rhsB)
Set the vector in an RHS data structure.
Definition: schur.c:284
int pastix_subtask_applyorder(pastix_data_t *pastix_data, pastix_dir_t dir, pastix_int_t m, pastix_int_t n, void *B, pastix_int_t ldb, pastix_rhs_t Bp)
Apply a permutation on the right-and-side vector before the solve step.
int pastix_subtask_trsm(pastix_data_t *pastix_data, pastix_side_t side, pastix_uplo_t uplo, pastix_trans_t trans, pastix_diag_t diag, pastix_rhs_t b)
Apply a triangular solve on the right-and-side vectors.
int pastixRhsSchurGet(const pastix_data_t *pastix_data, pastix_int_t m, pastix_int_t n, pastix_rhs_t rhsB, void *B, pastix_int_t ldb)
Get the vector in an RHS data structure.
Definition: schur.c:182
int pastix_task_analyze(pastix_data_t *pastix_data, const spmatrix_t *spm)
Perform all the preprocessing steps: ordering, symbolic factorization, reordering,...
int pastix_task_numfact(pastix_data_t *pastix_data, spmatrix_t *spm)
Perform all the numerical factorization steps: fill the internal block CSC and the solver matrix stru...
Main PaStiX data structure.
Definition: pastixdata.h:67
Main PaStiX RHS structure.
Definition: pastixdata.h:150

Definition in file schur.c.