PaStiX Handbook  6.4.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  *
3  * @file pastix_subtask_reordering.c
4  *
5  * PaStiX reordering task
6  *
7  * @copyright 2015-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
8  * Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
9  *
10  * @version 6.4.0
11  * @author Gregoire Pichon
12  * @author Mathieu Faverge
13  * @author Pierre Ramet
14  * @author Vincent Bridonneau
15  * @date 2024-07-05
16  *
17  */
18 #include "common.h"
19 #include "pastix/order.h"
21 /**
22  *******************************************************************************
23  *
24  * @ingroup pastix_analyze
25  *
26  * @brief Apply the reordering step to compact off-diagonal blocks
27  *
28  * During this step, unknowns are reordered within each supernode to compact
29  * off-diagonal blocks. It takes as input the ordering provided by
30  * pastix_subtask_order(), and the symbolic factorization computed by
31  * pastix_subtask_symbfact(). It returns boths structures Order and Symbol updated.
32  *
33  * This function reorders the unknowns of the problem based on traveller
34  * salesman problem to gather together the contibutions facing each supernodes.
35  *
36  * See reordering paper:
37  *
38  * This routine is affected by the following parameters:
41  *
42  *******************************************************************************
43  *
44  * @param[inout] pastix_data
45  * The pastix_data structure that describes the solver instance. On
46  * exit, the field symbmtx is updated with the new symbol matrix, and
47  * the field ordemesh is updated with the new ordering.
48  * - IPARM_IO_STRATEGY will enable to load/store the result to files.
49  * If set to PastixIOSave, the symbmtx and the generated ordemesh are
50  * dump to file.
51  * If set to PastixIOLoad, the symbmtx (only) is loaded from the files.
52  *
53  *******************************************************************************
54  *
55  * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS on successful exit
56  * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if one parameter is incorrect.
57  *
58  *******************************************************************************/
59 int
61 {
62  Clock timer;
63  pastix_int_t *iparm;
64  pastix_order_t *ordemesh;
65  pastix_int_t procnum;
66  int verbose;
68  /**
69  * Check parameters
70  */
71  if (pastix_data == NULL) {
72  pastix_print_error( "pastix_subtask_reordering: wrong pastix_data parameter" );
74  }
75  iparm = pastix_data->iparm;
76  procnum = pastix_data->procnum;
77  ordemesh = pastix_data->ordemesh;
79  assert(ordemesh->rangtab);
80  assert(ordemesh->treetab);
82  /* Start the step */
83  if (iparm[IPARM_VERBOSE] > PastixVerboseNot ) {
84  pastix_int_t criterion = (iparm[IPARM_REORDERING_STOP] == PASTIX_INT_MAX) ? -1 : iparm[IPARM_REORDERING_STOP];
85  pastix_print( procnum, 0, OUT_STEP_REORDER,
86  (long)iparm[IPARM_REORDERING_SPLIT],
87  (long)criterion );
88  }
90  /* Print the reordering complexity */
91  if (iparm[IPARM_VERBOSE] > PastixVerboseYes) {
93  }
95  clockStart(timer);
97  /**
98  * Reorder the rows of each supernode in order to compact coupling blocks
99  */
100  pastixSymbolReordering( pastix_data );
102  /* Backup the new ordering */
103  if ( iparm[IPARM_IO_STRATEGY] & PastixIOSave )
104  {
105  if (procnum == 0) {
106  pastixOrderSave( pastix_data, ordemesh );
107  }
108  }
110  pastixSymbolExit( pastix_data->symbmtx );
111  memFree_null( pastix_data->symbmtx );
112  pastix_data->symbmtx = NULL;
114  /* Re-build the symbolic structure */
115  /* TODO: Create a function to update the symbolic factorization, instead of computing it from scratch,
116  this can be easily made in // per column, as opposed to the symbolic factorization itself */
117  verbose = iparm[IPARM_VERBOSE];
118  iparm[IPARM_VERBOSE] = pastix_imax( 0, verbose-2 );
120  pastix_subtask_symbfact( pastix_data );
122  iparm[IPARM_VERBOSE] = verbose;
124 #if !defined(NDEBUG)
125  if ( pastixOrderCheck( ordemesh ) != 0) {
126  pastix_print_error( "pastix_subtask_reordering: pastixOrderCheck on final ordering failed !!!" );
127  assert(0);
128  }
129  if( pastixSymbolCheck(pastix_data->symbmtx) != 0 ) {
130  pastix_print_error( "pastix_subtask_reordering: symbolCheck on final symbol matrix failed !!!" );
131  assert(0);
132  }
133 #endif
135  clockStop(timer);
136  pastix_data->dparm[DPARM_REORDER_TIME] = clockVal(timer);
138  if ( iparm[IPARM_VERBOSE] > PastixVerboseNot ) {
139  pastix_print( procnum, 0, OUT_REORDERING_TIME,
140  (double)clockVal(timer) );
141  }
142  return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
143 }
BEGIN_C_DECLS typedef int pastix_int_t
Definition: datatypes.h:51
int pastix_subtask_symbfact(pastix_data_t *pastix_data)
Computes the symbolic factorization step.
int pastix_subtask_reordering(pastix_data_t *pastix_data)
Apply the reordering step to compact off-diagonal blocks.
@ PastixIOSave
Definition: api.h:231
Definition: api.h:166
Definition: api.h:36
Definition: api.h:79
Definition: api.h:78
Definition: api.h:37
@ PastixVerboseYes
Definition: api.h:222
@ PastixVerboseNot
Definition: api.h:220
Definition: api.h:367
Definition: api.h:374
pastix_int_t * treetab
Definition: order.h:54
pastix_int_t * rangtab
Definition: order.h:53
int pastixOrderSave(pastix_data_t *pastix_data, const pastix_order_t *ordeptr)
Save an ordering to a file.
Definition: order_io.c:293
int pastixOrderCheck(const pastix_order_t *ordeptr)
This routine checks the correctness of the ordering structure.
Definition: order_check.c:39
Order structure.
Definition: order.h:47
void pastixSymbolReordering(pastix_data_t *)
Compute the reordering on the complete matrix.
void pastixSymbolReorderingPrintComplexity(const symbol_matrix_t *symbptr)
Compute the number of operations required to compute the reordering on the complete matrix.
void pastixSymbolExit(symbol_matrix_t *symbptr)
Free the content of symbolic matrix.
Definition: symbol.c:137
int pastixSymbolCheck(const symbol_matrix_t *symbptr)
Checks the consistency of the given symbolic block matrix.
Definition: symbol_check.c:47
pastix_order_t * ordemesh
Definition: pastixdata.h:98
pastix_int_t * iparm
Definition: pastixdata.h:70
double * dparm
Definition: pastixdata.h:71
symbol_matrix_t * symbmtx
Definition: pastixdata.h:100
Main PaStiX data structure.
Definition: pastixdata.h:68