PaStiX Handbook  6.3.2
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  *
3  * @file starpu_tags.c
4  *
5  * @copyright 2017-2023 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
6  * Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
7  *
8  * @version 6.3.2
9  * @author Pierre Ramet
10  * @author Mathieu Faverge
11  * @date 2023-11-22
12  *
13  * Functions to manage the MPI data tags.
14  *
15  * @addtogroup pastix_starpu
16  * @{
17  *
18  **/
19 #include "common.h"
20 #if !defined(PASTIX_WITH_STARPU)
21 #error "This file should not be compiled if Starpu is not enabled"
22 #endif
23 #include "pastix_starpu.h"
25 #if defined(PASTIX_WITH_MPI)
27 /**
28  * @brief Structure Pastix StarPU tag
29  *
30  * List structure to manage the set of available tags.
31  */
32 struct pst_range_;
33 typedef struct pst_range_ pst_range_t;
35 struct pst_range_ {
36  int64_t min; /**< Minimal value in the range */
37  int64_t max; /**< Maximal value in the range */
38  pst_range_t *next; /**< Pointer to the following range */
39 };
41 /**
42  * @brief Pointer to the first set or registered tags
43  */
44 static pst_range_t *pst_first = NULL;
46 /**
47  * @brief StarPU tag upper bound
48  */
49 static int64_t starpu_tag_ub = 0;
51 /**
52  *******************************************************************************
53  *
54  * @brief Initialize the StarPU tags manager.
55  *
56  *******************************************************************************
57  *
58  * @param[in] pastix
59  * The main pastix_data structure to provide the MPI communicator.
60  *
61  *******************************************************************************
62  *
63  * @retval TODO
64  *
65  ******************************************************************************/
66 int
68 {
69  if (!starpu_tag_ub) {
70  int ok = 0;
71  void *tag_ub_p = NULL;
73  starpu_mpi_comm_get_attr( pastix->inter_node_comm, STARPU_MPI_TAG_UB, &tag_ub_p, &ok );
74  starpu_tag_ub = (uint64_t)((intptr_t)tag_ub_p);
76  if ( !ok ) {
77  pastix_print_error("pastix_starpu_tag_init: MPI_TAG_UB not known by StarPU\n");
78  }
80  return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
81  }
82  else {
84  }
85 }
87 /**
88  *******************************************************************************
89  *
90  * @brief Book a range of StarPU unique tags of size nbtags.
91  *
92  * This function returns the minimal tag value available to allow the
93  * registration of nbtags data in a continuous range.
94  *
95  * Note that this function must be called exactly the same way on all nodes to
96  * make sure the tags are identical from one node to another.
97  *
98  *******************************************************************************
99  *
100  * @param[in] nbtags
101  * The number of tags required to register the sparse matrix or right
102  * hand side.
103  *
104  *******************************************************************************
105  *
106  * @return V, the minimal tag value to use. The range [V:V+nbtags-1] is booked.
107  *
108  ********************************************************************************/
109 int64_t
110 pastix_starpu_tag_book( int64_t nbtags )
111 {
112  pst_range_t *new;
113  pst_range_t *prev = NULL;
114  pst_range_t *current = pst_first;
115  int64_t min = 0;
116  int64_t max = ( current == NULL ) ? starpu_tag_ub : current->min;
118  assert( starpu_tag_ub != 0 ); /* StarPU tag must be initialized */
120  while ( ((max - min) < nbtags) && (current != NULL) ) {
121  min = current->max;
122  prev = current;
123  current = current->next;
124  max = ( current == NULL ) ? starpu_tag_ub : current->min;
125  }
127  if ( (max - min) < nbtags ) {
128  pastix_print_error( "pastix_starpu_tag_book: No space left in tags (looking for %ld tags)\n",
129  (long)nbtags );
130  return -1;
131  }
133  new = malloc( sizeof( pst_range_t ) );
134  new->min = min;
135  new->max = min + nbtags;
136  new->next = current;
137  if ( prev == NULL ) {
138  pst_first = new;
139  }
140  else {
141  assert( prev->next == current );
142  prev->next = new;
143  }
145 #if defined(PASTIX_DEBUG_STARPU)
146  fprintf( stderr, "pastix_starpu_tag: Book %ld - %ld\n",
147  (long)min, (long)(min + nbtags) );
148 #endif
150  assert( pst_first != NULL );
151  return new->min;
152 }
154 /**
155  *******************************************************************************
156  *
157  * @brief Release the set of tags starting by min.
158  *
159  * This function releases the range of tags that starts by the min value.
160  *
161  *******************************************************************************
162  *
163  * @param[in] min
164  * The initial value in the range
165  *
166  ******************************************************************************/
167 void
168 pastix_starpu_tag_release( int64_t min )
169 {
170  pst_range_t *prev = NULL;
171  pst_range_t *current = pst_first;
173  assert( pst_first != NULL ); /* At least one range must be registered */
175  while ( (current != NULL) && (current->min < min) ) {
176  prev = current;
177  current = current->next;
178  }
180  assert( current != NULL );
181  assert( current->min == min );
183  if ( prev ) {
184  prev->next = current->next;
185  }
186  else {
187  assert( current == pst_first );
188  pst_first = current->next;
189  }
191 #if defined(PASTIX_DEBUG_STARPU)
192  fprintf( stderr, "pastix_starpu_tag: Release %ld - %ld\n",
193  (long)current->min, (long)current->max );
194 #endif
196  free( current );
198  return;
199 }
201 #else /* defined(PASTIX_WITH_MPI) */
203 /**
204  *******************************************************************************
205  *
206  * @brief Initialize the StarPU tags manager.
207  *
208  *******************************************************************************
209  *
210  * @param[in] pastix_data
211  * The main pastix_data structure to provide the MPI communicator.
212  *
213  *******************************************************************************
214  *
215  * @retval TODO
216  *
217  ******************************************************************************/
218 int
219 pastix_starpu_tag_init( __attribute__((unused)) pastix_data_t *pastix_data ) {
220  return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
221 }
223 /**
224  *******************************************************************************
225  *
226  * @brief Book a range of StarPU unique tags of size nbtags.
227  *
228  * This function returns the minimal tag value available to allow the
229  * registration of nbtags data in a continuous range.
230  *
231  * Note that this function must be called exactly the same way on all nodes to
232  * make sure the tags are identical from one node to another.
233  *
234  *******************************************************************************
235  *
236  * @param[in] nbtags
237  * The number of tags required to register the sparse matrix or right
238  * hand side.
239  *
240  *******************************************************************************
241  *
242  * @return V, the minimal tag value to use. The range [V:V+nbtags-1] is booked.
243  *
244  ********************************************************************************/
245 int64_t
246 pastix_starpu_tag_book( __attribute__((unused)) int64_t nbtags ) {
247  return 0;
248 }
250 /**
251  *******************************************************************************
252  *
253  * @brief Release the set of tags starting by min.
254  *
255  * This function releases the range of tags that starts by the min value.
256  *
257  *******************************************************************************
258  *
259  * @param[in] min
260  * The initial value in the range
261  *
262  ******************************************************************************/
263 void
264 pastix_starpu_tag_release( __attribute__((unused)) int64_t min ) {
265  return;
266 }
268 #endif
270 /**
271  * @}
272  */
BEGIN_C_DECLS int pastix(pastix_data_t **pastix_data, PASTIX_Comm pastix_comm, pastix_int_t n, pastix_int_t *colptr, pastix_int_t *rowptr, void *values, pastix_int_t *perm, pastix_int_t *invp, void *B, pastix_int_t nrhs, pastix_int_t *iparm, double *dparm)
Main function for compatibility with former releases.
Definition: pastix.c:103
Definition: api.h:373
Definition: api.h:367
int64_t pastix_starpu_tag_book(int64_t nbtags)
Book a range of StarPU unique tags of size nbtags.
Definition: starpu_tags.c:246
void pastix_starpu_tag_release(int64_t min)
Release the set of tags starting by min.
Definition: starpu_tags.c:264
int pastix_starpu_tag_init(pastix_data_t *pastix)
Initialize the StarPU tags manager.
Definition: starpu_tags.c:219
Main PaStiX data structure.
Definition: pastixdata.h:67