PaStiX Handbook  6.4.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  *
3  * @file order.c
4  *
5  * PaStiX order structure routines
6  *
7  * @copyright 2004-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
8  * Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
9  *
10  * @version 6.4.0
11  * @author Francois Pellegrini
12  * @author Mathieu Faverge
13  * @author Pierre Ramet
14  * @author Vincent Bridonneau
15  * @date 2024-07-05
16  *
17  **/
18 #include "common.h"
19 #include "order/order_internal.h"
21 /**
22  *******************************************************************************
23  *
24  * @ingroup pastix_order
25  *
26  * @brief Allocate the order structure.
27  *
28  * The base value is set to 0 by default.
29  *
30  *******************************************************************************
31  *
32  * @param[inout] ordeptr
33  * The data structure is set to 0 and then initialize.
34  * Need to call pastixOrderExit() to release the memory first if required to
35  * prevent memory leak.
36  *
37  * @param[in] vertnbr
38  * The number of nodes, this is the size of the internal permtab and
39  * peritab arrays.
40  * If vertnbr == 0, permtab and peritab are not allocated.
41  *
42  * @param[in] cblknbr
43  * The number of supernodes. The internal rangtab array is of size
44  * cblknbr+1, and treetab of size cblknbr.
45  * If cblknbr == 0, rangtab and treetab are not allocated.
46  *
47  *******************************************************************************
48  *
49  * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS on successful exit,
50  * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if one parameter is incorrect,
51  * @retval PASTIX_ERR_OUTOFMEMORY if one allocation failed.
52  *
53  *******************************************************************************/
54 int
56  pastix_int_t vertnbr,
57  pastix_int_t cblknbr )
58 {
59  /* Parameter checks */
60  if ( ordeptr == NULL ) {
62  }
63  if ( vertnbr < 0 ) {
65  }
66  if ( cblknbr < 0 ) {
68  }
69  if ( cblknbr > vertnbr ) {
71  }
73  memset( ordeptr, 0, sizeof(pastix_order_t) );
75  ordeptr->vertnbr = vertnbr;
76  ordeptr->cblknbr = cblknbr;
77  ordeptr->sndenbr = cblknbr;
78  ordeptr->sndetab = NULL;
80  if ( vertnbr > 0 ) {
81  MALLOC_INTERN( ordeptr->permtab, vertnbr, pastix_int_t );
82  MALLOC_INTERN( ordeptr->peritab, vertnbr, pastix_int_t );
83  }
85  if ( cblknbr > 0 ) {
86  MALLOC_INTERN( ordeptr->rangtab, cblknbr+1, pastix_int_t );
87  MALLOC_INTERN( ordeptr->treetab, cblknbr, pastix_int_t );
88  }
90  return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
91 }
93 /**
94  *******************************************************************************
95  *
96  * @ingroup pastix_order
97  *
98  * @brief Allocate the order structure for a given number of vertices with no
99  * cblk, and id permutation.
100  *
101  * The base value is set to 0 by default.
102  *
103  *******************************************************************************
104  *
105  * @param[inout] ordeptr
106  * The data structure is set to 0 and then initialize.
107  * Need to call pastixOrderExit() to release the memory first if required to
108  * prevent memory leak.
109  *
110  * @param[in] vertnbr
111  * The number of nodes, this is the size of the internal permtab and
112  * peritab arrays.
113  * If vertnbr == 0, permtab and peritab are not allocated.
114  *
115  *******************************************************************************
116  *
117  * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS on successful exit,
118  * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if one parameter is incorrect,
119  * @retval PASTIX_ERR_OUTOFMEMORY if one allocation failed.
120  *
121  *******************************************************************************/
122 int
124  pastix_int_t vertnbr )
125 {
126  pastix_int_t *perm;
127  pastix_int_t *invp;
128  pastix_int_t i;
129  int rc;
131  rc = pastixOrderAlloc( ordeptr, vertnbr, 1 );
132  if ( rc != PASTIX_SUCCESS ) {
133  return rc;
134  }
136  perm = ordeptr->permtab;
137  invp = ordeptr->peritab;
139  for(i=0; i<vertnbr; i++, perm++, invp++) {
140  *perm = i;
141  *invp = i;
142  }
144  ordeptr->rangtab[0] = 0;
145  ordeptr->rangtab[1] = vertnbr;
146  ordeptr->treetab[0] = -1;
148  return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
149 }
151 /**
152  *******************************************************************************
153  *
154  * @ingroup pastix_order
155  *
156  * @brief Initialize the order structure with the given values.
157  *
158  * The base value is set to 0 by default. This is useful to give a personal
159  * ordering to the pastix_task_order() function.
160  *
161  *******************************************************************************
162  *
163  * @param[inout] ordeptr
164  * The data structure is set to 0 and then initialize.
165  * Need to call orderExit to release the memory first if required to
166  * prevent memory leak.
167  *
168  * @param[in] baseval
169  * The base value used in the given arrays. Usually 0 for C, 1 for
170  * Fortran. Must be >= 0.
171  *
172  * @param[in] vertnbr
173  * The number of nodes, this is the size of the internal permtab and
174  * peritab arrays.
175  *
176  * @param[in] cblknbr
177  * The number of supernodes. The internal rangtab and treetab arrays
178  * are of size cblknbr+1.
179  *
180  * @param[in] permtab
181  * The permutation array which must be of size vertnbr, and based on
182  * baseval value.
183  * If NULL, the permtab field is not initialized.
184  *
185  * @param[in] peritab
186  * The inverse permutation array which must be of size vertnbr, and
187  * based on baseval value.
188  * If NULL, the peritab field is not initialized.
189  *
190  * @param[in] rangtab
191  * The rangtab array that describes the supernodes in the graph. This
192  * array must be of size cblknbr+1, and based on baseval value.
193  * If NULL, the rangtab field is not initialized.
194  *
195  * @param[in] treetab
196  * The treetab array that describes the elimination tree connecting the
197  * supernodes. This array must be defined as follow:
198  * - of size cblknbr;
199  * - based on baseval value;
200  * - each treetab[i] > i, unless i is a root and treetab[i] == -1
201  * - all roots of the tree must have -1 as father
202  * If NULL, the treetab field is not initialized.
203  *
204  *******************************************************************************
205  *
206  * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS on successful exit
207  * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if one parameter is incorrect.
208  * @retval PASTIX_ERR_OUTOFMEMORY if one allocation failed.
209  *
210  *******************************************************************************/
211 int
213  pastix_int_t baseval,
214  pastix_int_t vertnbr,
215  pastix_int_t cblknbr,
216  pastix_int_t * const permtab,
217  pastix_int_t * const peritab,
218  pastix_int_t * const rangtab,
219  pastix_int_t * const treetab )
220 {
221  /* Parameter checks */
222  if ( ordeptr == NULL ) {
224  }
225  if ( vertnbr < 0 ) {
227  }
228  if ( cblknbr < 0 ) {
230  }
232  memset(ordeptr, 0, sizeof(pastix_order_t));
234  ordeptr->baseval = baseval;
235  ordeptr->vertnbr = vertnbr;
236  ordeptr->cblknbr = cblknbr;
237  ordeptr->sndenbr = cblknbr;
238  ordeptr->sndetab = NULL;
240  if ( permtab ) {
241  ordeptr->permtab = permtab;
242  }
243  if ( peritab ) {
244  ordeptr->peritab = peritab;
245  }
246  if ( rangtab ) {
247  ordeptr->rangtab = rangtab;
248  ordeptr->sndetab = malloc( (ordeptr->sndenbr+1) * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
249  memcpy( ordeptr->sndetab, ordeptr->rangtab, (ordeptr->sndenbr+1) * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
250  }
251  if ( treetab ) {
252  ordeptr->treetab = treetab;
253  }
255  return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
256 }
258 /**
259  *******************************************************************************
260  *
261  * @ingroup pastix_order
262  *
263  * @brief Free the arrays initialized in the order structure.
264  *
265  *******************************************************************************
266  *
267  * @param[inout] ordeptr
268  * The data structure to clean. All arrays of the structure are freed
269  * and the structure is set to 0.
270  *
271  *******************************************************************************/
272 void
273 pastixOrderExit( pastix_order_t * const ordeptr )
274 {
275  /* Parameter check */
276  if ( ordeptr == NULL ) {
277  return;
278  }
280  if (ordeptr->permtab != NULL) {
281  memFree_null (ordeptr->permtab);
282  }
283  if (ordeptr->peritab != NULL) {
284  memFree_null (ordeptr->peritab);
285  }
286  if (ordeptr->rangtab != NULL) {
287  memFree_null (ordeptr->rangtab);
288  }
289  if (ordeptr->treetab != NULL) {
290  memFree_null (ordeptr->treetab);
291  }
292  if (ordeptr->selevtx != NULL) {
293  memFree_null (ordeptr->selevtx);
294  }
295  if (ordeptr->sndetab != NULL) {
296  memFree_null (ordeptr->sndetab);
297  }
298  if (ordeptr->peritab_exp != NULL) {
299  memFree_null (ordeptr->peritab_exp);
300  }
301  memset(ordeptr, 0, sizeof(pastix_order_t) );
302 }
304 /**
305  *******************************************************************************
306  *
307  * @ingroup pastix_order
308  *
309  * @brief This routine sets the base of the given ordering structure to the
310  * given base value.
311  *
312  *******************************************************************************
313  *
314  * @param[inout] ordeptr
315  * The ordering to rebase.
316  *
317  * @param[in] baseval
318  * The base value to be used (needs to be 0 or 1).
319  *
320  *******************************************************************************/
321 void
323  pastix_int_t baseval )
324 {
325  pastix_int_t baseadj; /* Base adjust */
326  pastix_int_t cblknum;
327  pastix_int_t vertnum;
329  /* Parameter checks */
330  if ( ordeptr == NULL ) {
331  pastix_print_error( "pastixOrderBase: ordeptr pointer is NULL" );
332  return;
333  }
334  if ( (baseval != 0) &&
335  (baseval != 1) )
336  {
337  pastix_print_error( "pastixOrderBase: baseval is incorrect, must be 0 or 1" );
338  return;
339  }
341  baseadj = baseval - ordeptr->baseval; /* Set base adjust */
342  if (baseadj == 0) /* If base already set */
343  return;
345  if (ordeptr->permtab != NULL) {
346  for (vertnum = 0; vertnum < ordeptr->vertnbr; vertnum ++) {
347  ordeptr->permtab[vertnum] += baseadj;
348  }
349  }
350  if (ordeptr->peritab != NULL) {
351  for (vertnum = 0; vertnum < ordeptr->vertnbr; vertnum ++) {
352  ordeptr->peritab[vertnum] += baseadj;
353  }
354  }
356  if (ordeptr->rangtab != NULL) {
357  for (cblknum = 0; cblknum <= ordeptr->cblknbr; cblknum ++) {
358  ordeptr->rangtab[cblknum] += baseadj;
359  }
360  }
361  if (ordeptr->treetab != NULL) {
362  for (cblknum = 0; cblknum < ordeptr->cblknbr; cblknum ++) {
363  ordeptr->treetab[cblknum] += baseadj;
364  }
365  }
366  if (ordeptr->sndetab != NULL) {
367  pastix_int_t sndenum;
368  for (sndenum = 0; sndenum <= ordeptr->sndenbr; sndenum ++) {
369  ordeptr->sndetab[sndenum] += baseadj;
370  }
371  }
373  ordeptr->baseval = baseval;
374 }
376 /**
377  *******************************************************************************
378  *
379  * @ingroup pastix_order
380  *
381  * @brief This routine expand the permutation arrays and the rangtab when the
382  * spm is using multiple dof per unknown.
383  *
384  *******************************************************************************
385  *
386  * @param[inout] ordeptr
387  * The ordering to expand. On entry, the order of the compressed
388  * matrix/graph. On exit, the ordering is 0-based and contains the
389  * permutation for the expanded matrix. peritab_ext remains untouched
390  * (=NULL) because peritab will already be expanded.
391  *
392  * @param[in] spm
393  * The sparse matrix structure providing dof information.
394  *
395  *******************************************************************************/
397  const spmatrix_t *spm )
398 {
399  pastix_int_t *peritab;
400  pastix_int_t i, j, n;
401  pastix_int_t begin, end, sum_rang, sum_snde;
402  pastix_int_t *newperi;
403  pastix_int_t *rangtab;
404  pastix_int_t *sndetab;
405  pastix_int_t baseval;
406  const pastix_int_t *dofs;
408  baseval = spm->baseval;
409  pastixOrderBase( ordeptr, 0 );
411  n = spm->gNexp;
413  /*
414  * Initialize inverse permutation and rangtab
415  */
416  peritab = ordeptr->peritab;
417  rangtab = ordeptr->rangtab;
418  sndetab = ordeptr->sndetab;
420  MALLOC_INTERN( ordeptr->peritab, n, pastix_int_t );
421  newperi = ordeptr->peritab;
423  dofs = spm->dofs;
425  sum_rang = 0;
426  sum_snde = 0;
427  for (i=0; i<ordeptr->vertnbr; i++)
428  {
429  if ( spm->dof <= 0 ) {
430  begin = dofs[ peritab[i] ] - baseval;
431  end = dofs[ peritab[i] + 1 ] - baseval;
432  }
433  else {
434  begin = peritab[i] * spm->dof;
435  end = begin + spm->dof;
436  }
438  if ( i == rangtab[1] ) {
439  rangtab[1] = rangtab[0] + sum_rang;
440  rangtab++;
441  sum_rang = 0;
442  }
443  if ( i == sndetab[1] ) {
444  sndetab[1] = sndetab[0] + sum_snde;
445  sndetab++;
446  sum_snde = 0;
447  }
449  sum_rang += (end - begin);
450  sum_snde += (end - begin);
452  for ( j=begin; j<end; ++j, ++newperi ) {
453  *newperi = j;
454  }
455  }
456  rangtab[1] = rangtab[0] + sum_rang;
457  sndetab[1] = sndetab[0] + sum_snde;
459  ordeptr->vertnbr = n;
460  memFree_null( peritab );
462  /*
463  * Update permtab
464  */
465  memFree_null( ordeptr->permtab );
466  MALLOC_INTERN( ordeptr->permtab, n, pastix_int_t );
467  for( i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
468  j = ordeptr->peritab[i];
469  ordeptr->permtab[j] = i;
470  }
471 }
473 /**
474  *******************************************************************************
475  *
476  * @ingroup pastix_order
477  *
478  * @brief This routine expand the peritab array for multi-dof matrices.
479  *
480  *******************************************************************************
481  *
482  * @param[inout] ordeptr
483  * TODO
484  *
485  * @param[in] spm
486  * The sparse matrix structure providing the dof information.
487  *
488  *******************************************************************************
489  *
490  * @return The expanded peritab array.
491  *
492  *******************************************************************************/
493 pastix_int_t *
495  const spmatrix_t *spm )
496 {
497  pastix_int_t *peritab, *peritab_exp;
498  pastix_int_t i, j;
499  pastix_int_t begin, end;
500  pastix_int_t baseval_spm;
501  pastix_int_t baseval_ord;
502  const pastix_int_t *dofs;
504  assert( ordeptr != NULL );
505  assert( spm != NULL );
506  assert( spm->gN == ordeptr->vertnbr );
508  if ( spm->dof == 1 ) {
509  return ordeptr->peritab;
510  }
512  if ( ordeptr->peritab_exp != NULL ) {
513  return ordeptr->peritab_exp;
514  }
516  MALLOC_INTERN( peritab_exp, spm->gNexp, pastix_int_t );
517  ordeptr->peritab_exp = peritab_exp;
519  baseval_spm = spm->baseval;
520  baseval_ord = ordeptr->baseval;
522  /* Shift the dof ptr to take into account the baseval of peritab */
523  dofs = spm->dofs - baseval_ord;
524  peritab = ordeptr->peritab;
526  for ( i = 0; i < ordeptr->vertnbr; i++, peritab++ ) {
527  if ( spm->dof <= 0 ) {
528  begin = dofs[ peritab[0] ] - baseval_spm;
529  end = dofs[ peritab[0]+1 ] - baseval_spm;
530  }
531  else {
532  begin = (peritab[0] - baseval_ord) * spm->dof;
533  end = begin + spm->dof;
534  }
535  for ( j = begin; j < end; ++j, ++peritab_exp ) {
536  *peritab_exp = j;
537  }
538  }
540  return ordeptr->peritab_exp;
541 }
543 /**
544  *******************************************************************************
545  *
546  * @ingroup pastix_order
547  *
548  * @brief This routine copy a given ordering in a new one.
549  *
550  * This function copies an order structure into another one. If all subpointers
551  * are NULL, then they are all allocated and conatins the original ordesrc
552  * values on exit. If one or more array pointers are not NULL, then, only those
553  * are copied to the ordedst structure.
554  *
555  *******************************************************************************
556  *
557  * @param[inout] ordedst
558  * The destination ordering
559  *
560  * @param[in] ordesrc
561  * The source ordering
562  *
563  *******************************************************************************
564  *
565  * @retval PASTIX_SUCCESS on successful exit
566  * @retval PASTIX_ERR_BADPARAMETER if one parameter is incorrect.
567  *
568  *******************************************************************************/
569 int
571  const pastix_order_t * const ordesrc )
572 {
573  /* Parameter checks */
574  if ( ordedst == NULL ) {
576  }
577  if ( ordesrc == NULL ) {
579  }
580  if ( ordesrc == ordedst ) {
582  }
584  ordedst->baseval = ordesrc->baseval;
585  ordedst->vertnbr = ordesrc->vertnbr;
586  ordedst->cblknbr = ordesrc->cblknbr;
587  ordedst->sndenbr = ordesrc->sndenbr;
589  if ( (ordedst->permtab == NULL) &&
590  (ordedst->peritab == NULL) &&
591  (ordedst->rangtab == NULL) &&
592  (ordedst->treetab == NULL) )
593  {
594  pastixOrderAlloc( ordedst, ordedst->vertnbr, ordedst->cblknbr );
595  }
597  if ( (ordesrc->permtab != NULL) && (ordedst->permtab != NULL) )
598  {
599  memcpy( ordedst->permtab, ordesrc->permtab, ordesrc->vertnbr * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
600  }
602  if ( (ordesrc->peritab != NULL) && (ordedst->peritab != NULL) )
603  {
604  memcpy( ordedst->peritab, ordesrc->peritab, ordesrc->vertnbr * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
605  }
607  if ( (ordesrc->rangtab != NULL) && (ordedst->rangtab != NULL) )
608  {
609  memcpy( ordedst->rangtab, ordesrc->rangtab, (ordesrc->cblknbr+1) * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
610  }
612  if ( (ordesrc->treetab != NULL) && (ordedst->treetab != NULL) )
613  {
614  memcpy( ordedst->treetab, ordesrc->treetab, ordesrc->cblknbr * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
615  }
617  if ( (ordesrc->sndetab != NULL) && (ordedst->sndetab != NULL) )
618  {
619  memcpy( ordedst->sndetab, ordesrc->sndetab, (ordesrc->sndenbr+1) * sizeof(pastix_int_t) );
620  }
622  return PASTIX_SUCCESS;
623 }
625 /**
626  *******************************************************************************
627  *
628  * @ingroup pastix_order
629  *
630  * @brief This routine returns the pointer to the internal order structure to
631  * access permutation information.
632  *
633  * @warning The data returned by the routines must not be freed or modified by
634  * the user, and are valid as long as no operation on the ordering is performed
635  * (pastix_subtask_order(), pastix_subtask_reordering(), or pastixFinalize()).
636  *
637  *******************************************************************************
638  *
639  * @param[in] pastix_data
640  * The pastix_data structure of the problem
641  *
642  *******************************************************************************
643  *
644  * @return The pointer to the internal ordering structure with permutation
645  * information, or NULL if pastix_data is invalid.
646  *
647  *******************************************************************************/
649 pastixOrderGet( const pastix_data_t * const pastix_data )
650 {
651  /* Parameter checks */
652  if ( pastix_data == NULL ) {
653  return NULL;
654  }
655  return pastix_data->ordemesh;
656 }
658 /**
659  *******************************************************************************
660  *
661  * @ingroup pastix_order
662  *
663  * @brief This routine broadcast the ordemesh structure from node root to all
664  * the other nodes.
665  *
666  *******************************************************************************
667  *
668  * @param[inout] ordemesh
669  * The ordering structure of the problem.
670  *
671  * @param[in] root
672  * The node that will broadcast its ordemesh.
673  *
674  * @param[in] pastix_comm
675  * The MPI communicator of the problem.
676  *
677  *******************************************************************************/
678 void
680  int root,
681  PASTIX_Comm pastix_comm )
682 {
683  pastix_int_t vertnbr, cblknbr, sndenbr;
684  int clustnum;
686  MPI_Comm_rank( pastix_comm, &clustnum );
688  /* Free previous order structure */
689  if ( clustnum != root ) {
690  pastixOrderExit( ordemesh );
691  }
693  /* Copy ordemesh datas from node 0 */
694  MPI_Bcast( ordemesh, sizeof(pastix_order_t), MPI_BYTE,
695  root, pastix_comm );
697  vertnbr = ordemesh->vertnbr;
698  cblknbr = ordemesh->cblknbr;
699  sndenbr = ordemesh->sndenbr;
701  if ( ordemesh->permtab ) {
702  if ( clustnum != root ) {
703  MALLOC_INTERN( ordemesh->permtab, vertnbr, pastix_int_t );
704  }
705  MPI_Bcast( ordemesh->permtab, vertnbr, PASTIX_MPI_INT,
706  root, pastix_comm );
707  }
709  if ( ordemesh->peritab ) {
710  if ( clustnum != root ) {
711  MALLOC_INTERN( ordemesh->peritab, vertnbr, pastix_int_t );
712  }
713  MPI_Bcast( ordemesh->peritab, vertnbr, PASTIX_MPI_INT,
714  root, pastix_comm );
715  }
717  if ( ordemesh->rangtab ) {
718  if ( clustnum != root ) {
719  MALLOC_INTERN( ordemesh->rangtab, cblknbr+1, pastix_int_t );
720  }
721  MPI_Bcast( ordemesh->rangtab, cblknbr+1, PASTIX_MPI_INT,
722  root, pastix_comm );
723  }
725  if ( ordemesh->treetab ) {
726  if ( clustnum != root ) {
727  MALLOC_INTERN( ordemesh->treetab, cblknbr, pastix_int_t );
728  }
729  MPI_Bcast( ordemesh->treetab, cblknbr, PASTIX_MPI_INT,
730  root, pastix_comm );
731  }
733  if ( ordemesh->selevtx ) {
734  if ( clustnum != root ) {
735  MALLOC_INTERN( ordemesh->selevtx, cblknbr, int8_t );
736  }
737  MPI_Bcast( ordemesh->selevtx, cblknbr * sizeof(int8_t), MPI_BYTE,
738  root, pastix_comm );
739  }
741  if ( ordemesh->sndetab ) {
742  if ( clustnum != root ) {
743  MALLOC_INTERN( ordemesh->sndetab, sndenbr+1, pastix_int_t );
744  }
745  MPI_Bcast( ordemesh->sndetab, sndenbr+1, PASTIX_MPI_INT,
746  root, pastix_comm );
747  }
748 }
BEGIN_C_DECLS typedef int pastix_int_t
Definition: datatypes.h:51
Definition: api.h:367
Definition: api.h:374
pastix_int_t baseval
Definition: order.h:48
pastix_int_t * peritab_exp
Definition: order.h:58
pastix_int_t * treetab
Definition: order.h:54
pastix_int_t * sndetab
Definition: order.h:57
int8_t * selevtx
Definition: order.h:55
pastix_int_t * permtab
Definition: order.h:51
pastix_int_t * peritab
Definition: order.h:52
pastix_int_t cblknbr
Definition: order.h:50
pastix_int_t sndenbr
Definition: order.h:56
pastix_int_t * rangtab
Definition: order.h:53
pastix_int_t vertnbr
Definition: order.h:49
void pastixOrderExpand(pastix_order_t *ordeptr, const spmatrix_t *spm)
This routine expand the permutation arrays and the rangtab when the spm is using multiple dof per unk...
Definition: order.c:396
int pastixOrderAlloc(pastix_order_t *ordeptr, pastix_int_t vertnbr, pastix_int_t cblknbr)
Allocate the order structure.
Definition: order.c:55
void pastixOrderBase(pastix_order_t *ordeptr, pastix_int_t baseval)
This routine sets the base of the given ordering structure to the given base value.
Definition: order.c:322
pastix_order_t * pastixOrderGet(const pastix_data_t *pastix_data)
This routine returns the pointer to the internal order structure to access permutation information.
Definition: order.c:649
pastix_int_t * orderGetExpandedPeritab(pastix_order_t *ordeptr, const spmatrix_t *spm)
This routine expand the peritab array for multi-dof matrices.
Definition: order.c:494
void pastixOrderBcast(pastix_order_t *ordemesh, int root, PASTIX_Comm pastix_comm)
This routine broadcast the ordemesh structure from node root to all the other nodes.
Definition: order.c:679
int pastixOrderInit(pastix_order_t *ordeptr, pastix_int_t baseval, pastix_int_t vertnbr, pastix_int_t cblknbr, pastix_int_t *perm, pastix_int_t *invp, pastix_int_t *rang, pastix_int_t *tree)
Initialize the order structure with the given values.
Definition: order.c:212
int pastixOrderCopy(pastix_order_t *ordedst, const pastix_order_t *ordesrc)
This routine copy a given ordering in a new one.
Definition: order.c:570
int pastixOrderAllocId(pastix_order_t *ordeptr, pastix_int_t vertnbr)
Allocate the order structure for a given number of vertices with no cblk, and id permutation.
Definition: order.c:123
void pastixOrderExit(pastix_order_t *ordeptr)
Free the arrays initialized in the order structure.
Definition: order.c:273
Order structure.
Definition: order.h:47
pastix_order_t * ordemesh
Definition: pastixdata.h:98
Main PaStiX data structure.
Definition: pastixdata.h:68