PaStiX Handbook  6.3.2
Build and Install PaStiX with CMake

** Requirements **

PaStiX needs some libraries to be built on your system :

  • A sequential BLAS library (MKL, OpenBlas, ...), as well as the C interface CBLAS that comes with it.
  • A sequential LAPACK library (MKL, OpenBLAS, ...) as well as the C interface LAPACKE that comes with it, and only for testing purpose the TMG library to generate matrices.
  • The hwloc library is not mandatory but highly recommended to enable better thread mapping.
  • An optional ordering library among:
    • The Scotch library
    • The METIS library
    • Note that the user can provide its own ordering if he does not want to use any of these libraries.

Install BLAS and LAPACK

Install BLAS and CBLAS

BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) is a specification that prescribes a set of low-level routines for performing common linear algebra operations. These routines were originally written in Fortran, so we need the CBLAS interface to compile it in C.

On Linux :

sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev

On Mac:

brew install openblas


LAPACK and LAPACKE are libraries that provide routines for solving systems of linear equations. They depend on the BLAS library.

On Linux :

sudo apt-get install liblapacke-dev

On Mac:

brew install lapack

Warning : you may need to add the following lines to help cmake with LAPACKE on MacOS for the configuration of PaStiX during the build step:


Install hwloc

The Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) software package provides a portable abstraction of the hierarchical topology of modern architectures, including NUMA memory nodes, sockets, shared caches, cores and simultaneous multi-threading. It also gathers various system attributes such as cache and memory information as well as the locality of I/O devices such as network interfaces, Infiniband, HCAs or GPUs.

On Linux :

sudo apt-get install libhwloc-dev

On Mac:

brew install hwloc

Install an ordering library

At last, we need to install a library for the ordering part of the factorization. PaStiX supports both Scotch and Metis.

Install Metis

You can install it simply with the following command :

On Linux :

sudo apt-get install libsmetis-dev

On Mac:

brew install metis

Install Scotch

You can install it simply with the following command on Linux:

sudo apt-get install libscotch-dev

on Mac : (use the homebrew formula available in the PaStiX repository)

brew install $PASTIX_DIR/tools/homebrew/scotch5.rb

Or, for the 6.0 version :

sudo apt-get install libscotch-dev libscotch-6.0

However, you may want compile your own Scotch library. For doing so, download the version that you want to use and go in your Scotch directory.

Let's define the directory where you want to install Scotch as:

export SCOTCH_DIR=/your/path/to/install

Note that you can also keep the default install directory, and install in the system using root privileges. We do not recommend this latest version.

To build scotch, you have to copy the corresponding to your architecture :

cd scotch_x.x.x/src
make prefix=$SCOTCH_DIR install

Note that either you choose INTSIZE32 or INTSIZE64 in the file, it will define the value of -DPASTIX_INT64=[ON|OFF] for PaStiX.

Scotch is now installed on your system but may not be available in your environment.

One way to check if it is set correctly is to verify that the following command return the path to the freshly installed Scotch:

which gmap

If it does not find it, you can execute the following lines and try again.

On Linux:


On MacOS:


Note that these lines can (should) be added to your environment file such as .bashrc to set it by default.

Get PaStiX

To use the latest stable development branch of PaStiX, please clone the master branch. Note that PaStiX contains two git submodules for spm and morse_cmake. To get source codes please use these commands:

# if git version >= 1.9
git clone --recursive
cd pastix
# else
git clone
cd pastix
git submodule init
git submodule update

Build and Install PaStiX

Go in your PaStiX source directory and create a new build directory to build the default shared memory (without MPI) version:

mkdir build
cd build

Then you can install it simply with the command :

make install

Note that as before we defined a PASTIX_DIR variable to define the install directory of PaStiX.

On Mac, if you decide to not build PaStiX and only install it with all its dependencies, you can simply run :

brew install ${PASTIX_SRC_DIR}/tools/homebrew/pastix6.rb

Once the compilation finished, you can setup your environment easily by sourcing the provided file:

source ${PASTIX_DIR}/bin/

And then, you can run your favorite example:

${PASTIX_DIR}/examples/simple -9 10:10:10

Your setup is ready to play with PaStiX. Please refer to section How to to use PaStiX to get as best results as possible.

How to link PaStiX within your code

As said previously, you can setup your environment easily by sourcing the provided file:

source ${PASTIX_DIR}/bin/

But, you can also have a look on examples installed to see how to link PaStiX within your code :

cd ${PASTIX_DIR}/examples
make clean
VERBOSE=1 make

You will get the following output with a C driver using OpenBLAS :

cc -o simple simple.c -I$PASTIX_DIR/include -Wall -O2 -I$PASTIX_DIR/include/pastix \
-L$PASTIX_DIR/lib -lpastix -lpastix_kernels -lspm -lhwloc -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \
-llapacke -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread -lopenblas -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \
-lscotch -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lscotcherrexit -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \
-lpthread -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lz -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lm \
-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lrt

You will get the following output with a Fortran driver using openblas :

f77 -o fsimple fsimple.f90 -I$PASTIX_DIR/include -I$PASTIX_DIR/include/pastix -Wall -O2 \
-L$PASTIX_DIR/lib -lpastixf -lpastix -lpastix_kernels -lpastix -lpastix_kernels -lspmf \
-lspm -lhwloc -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -llapacke -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread \
-lopenblas -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lscotch -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lscotcherrexit \
-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lpthread -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lz -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \
-lm -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lrt

It will work if you change the examples Makefile accordingly :

PASTIXINCS=$(shell echo `PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH} pkg-config --cflags pastix`)
PASTIXLIBS=$(shell echo `PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH} pkg-config --libs pastix`)
CFLAGS= ${PASTIXINCS} -Wall -O2 -I${PASTIX_DIR}/include/pastix
PASTIXFINCS=$(shell echo `PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH} pkg-config --cflags pastixf`)
PASTIXFLIBS=$(shell echo `PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH} pkg-config --libs pastixf`)