PaStiX Handbook  6.4.0
graph.h File Reference

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Graph basic subroutines
int graphPrepare (pastix_data_t *pastix_data, const spmatrix_t *spm, pastix_graph_t **graph)
 This routine initializes the graph. More...
void graphBase (pastix_graph_t *graph, pastix_int_t baseval)
 Rebase the graph to the given value. More...
void graphExit (pastix_graph_t *graph)
 Free the content of the graph structure. More...
void graphInitEmpty (pastix_graph_t *graph, PASTIX_Comm comm)
 Initialize an empty graph. More...
Graph IO subroutines
void graphLoad (const pastix_data_t *pastix_data, pastix_graph_t *graph)
 Load a graph from a file. More...
void graphSave (pastix_data_t *pastix_data, const pastix_graph_t *graph)
 Save a graph to file. More...
Graph manipulation subroutines
int graphCopy (pastix_graph_t *graphdst, const pastix_graph_t *graphsrc)
 This routine copy a given ordering in a new one. More...
int graphSpm2Graph (pastix_graph_t *graph, const spmatrix_t *spm)
 This routine build a graph thanks to an spm;. More...
void graphSort (pastix_graph_t *graph)
 This routine sortes the subarray of edges of each vertex. More...
void graphNoDiag (pastix_graph_t *graph)
 This routine removes the diagonal edges from a centralized graph. More...
int graphSymmetrize (pastix_graph_t *graph)
 Symmetrize a given graph. More...
int graphUpdateComputedFields (pastix_graph_t *graph)
 Update dofs, nnz, nnzexp, gnnz, n, nexp, gN of a given graph. More...
int graphScatterInPlace (pastix_graph_t *graph, PASTIX_Comm comm)
 This routine scatter a graph from node root to the other nodes. More...
int graphGatherInPlace (pastix_graph_t *graph)
 This routine gather a distributed graph on each node in place. More...
int graphIsolate (const pastix_graph_t *ingraph, pastix_graph_t *outgraph, pastix_int_t isolate_n, pastix_int_t *isolate_list, pastix_int_t **new_perm, pastix_int_t **new_invp)
 Isolate a subset of vertices from a given graph. More...
int graphIsolateRange (const pastix_graph_t *graph, const pastix_order_t *order, pastix_graph_t *out_graph, pastix_int_t fnode, pastix_int_t lnode, pastix_int_t distance)
 Isolate the subgraph associated to a range of unknowns in the permuted graph. More...
void graphComputeProjection (const pastix_graph_t *graph, const int *vertlvl, pastix_order_t *order, const pastix_graph_t *subgraph, pastix_order_t *suborder, pastix_int_t fnode, pastix_int_t lnode, pastix_int_t sn_level, pastix_int_t distance, pastix_int_t maxdepth, pastix_int_t maxwidth, pastix_int_t *depthsze)
 TODO. More...
pastix_int_t graphIsolateConnectedComponents (const pastix_graph_t *graph, pastix_int_t *comp_vtx, pastix_int_t *comp_sze)
 Isolate the connected components from the original graph. More...
int graphComputeKway (const pastix_graph_t *graph, pastix_order_t *order, pastix_int_t *peritab, pastix_int_t *comp_nbr, pastix_int_t *comp_sze, pastix_int_t *comp_vtx, pastix_int_t comp_id, pastix_int_t nbpart)
 Compute the K-way partition of a given set of unknowns. More...
pastix_int_tgraphGetWeights (const pastix_graph_t *graph)
 Build the vertex weight array out of the dof array. More...

Detailed Description

PaStiX graph structure routines

Xavier Lacoste
Pierre Ramet
Mathieu Faverge
Tony Delarue

Definition in file graph.h.