PaStiX Handbook  6.4.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  *
3  * @file core_sxx2fr.c
4  *
5  * PaStiX low-rank kernel routines that form the product of two matrices A and B
6  * into a low-rank form for an update on a full rank matrix.
7  *
8  * @copyright 2016-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
9  * Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
10  *
11  * @version 6.4.0
12  * @author Mathieu Faverge
13  * @author Gregoire Pichon
14  * @author Pierre Ramet
15  * @date 2024-07-05
16  * @generated from /builds/solverstack/pastix/kernels/core_zxx2fr.c, normal z -> s, Thu Aug 29 14:20:20 2024
17  *
18  **/
19 #include "common.h"
20 #include <cblas.h>
21 #include "pastix_slrcores.h"
22 #include "kernels_trace.h"
24 static float sone = 1.0;
25 static float szero = 0.0;
28 /**
29  *******************************************************************************
30  *
31  * @brief Perform the full-rank operation C = alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta C
32  *
33  *******************************************************************************
34  *
35  * @param[inout] params
36  * The LRMM structure that stores all the parameters used in the LRMM
37  * functions family.
38  * On exit, the C matrix contains the product AB aligned with its own
39  * dimensions.
40  * @sa core_slrmm_t
41  *
42  *******************************************************************************
43  *
44  * @return The number of flops required to perform the operation.
45  *
46  *******************************************************************************/
49 {
50  pastix_int_t ldau, ldbu, ldcu;
51  float *Cptr;
52  pastix_fixdbl_t flops;
54  ldau = (transA == PastixNoTrans) ? M : K;
55  ldbu = (transB == PastixNoTrans) ? K : N;
56  ldcu = Cm;
58  Cptr = C->u;
59  Cptr += ldcu * offy + offx;
61  pastix_atomic_lock( lock );
62  assert( C->rk == -1 ); /* Check that C has not changed due to parallelism */
64  /*
65  * Everything is full rank we apply directly a GEMM
66  */
67  cblas_sgemm( CblasColMajor, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)transA, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)transB,
68  M, N, K,
69  (alpha), A->u, ldau,
70  B->u, ldbu,
71  (beta), Cptr, ldcu );
72  flops = FLOPS_SGEMM( M, N, K );
74  pastix_atomic_unlock( lock );
77  return flops;
78 }
80 /**
81  *******************************************************************************
82  *
83  * @brief Perform the operation C = alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta C, with A and C
84  * full-rank and B low-rank.
85  *
86  *******************************************************************************
87  *
88  * @param[inout] params
89  * The LRMM structure that stores all the parameters used in the LRMM
90  * functions family.
91  * On exit, the C matrix contains the product AB aligned with its own
92  * dimensions.
93  * @sa core_slrmm_t
94  *
95  *******************************************************************************
96  *
97  * @return The number of flops required to perform the operation.
98  *
99  *******************************************************************************/
102 {
104  float *Cptr;
105  pastix_int_t ldau, ldbu, ldbv, ldcu;
106  pastix_fixdbl_t flops1 = FLOPS_SGEMM( M, B->rk, K ) + FLOPS_SGEMM( M, N, B->rk );
107  pastix_fixdbl_t flops2 = FLOPS_SGEMM( K, N, B->rk ) + FLOPS_SGEMM( M, N, K );
108  pastix_fixdbl_t flops;
109  int allocated = 0;
112  ldau = (transA == PastixNoTrans) ? M : K;
113  ldbu = (transB == PastixNoTrans) ? K : N;
114  ldbv = ( B->rk == -1 ) ? -1 : B->rkmax;
116  ldcu = Cm;
117  Cptr = C->u;
118  Cptr += ldcu * offy + offx;
120  /*
121  * A(M-by-K) * B( N-by-rb x rb-by-K )^t
122  */
123  if ( flops1 <= flops2 ) {
124  if ( (work = core_slrmm_getws( params, M * B->rk )) == NULL ) {
125  work = malloc( M * B->rk * sizeof(float) );
126  allocated = 1;
127  }
129  /*
130  * (A * Bv) * Bu^t
131  */
132  cblas_sgemm( CblasColMajor, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)transA, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)transB,
133  M, B->rk, K,
134  (sone), A->u, ldau,
135  B->v, ldbv,
136  (szero), work, M );
138  pastix_atomic_lock( lock );
139  assert( C->rk == -1 ); /* Check that C has not changed due to parallelism */
140  cblas_sgemm( CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)transB,
141  M, N, B->rk,
142  (alpha), work, M,
143  B->u, ldbu,
144  (beta), Cptr, ldcu );
145  flops = flops1;
146  pastix_atomic_unlock( lock );
147  }
148  else {
149  if ( (work = core_slrmm_getws( params, K * N )) == NULL ) {
150  work = malloc( K * N * sizeof(float) );
151  allocated = 1;
152  }
154  /*
155  * A * (Bu * Bv^t)^t
156  */
157  cblas_sgemm( CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
158  K, N, B->rk,
159  (sone), B->u, ldbu,
160  B->v, ldbv,
161  (szero), work, K );
163  pastix_atomic_lock( lock );
164  assert( C->rk == -1 ); /* Check that C has not changed due to parallelism */
165  cblas_sgemm( CblasColMajor, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)transA, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)transB,
166  M, N, K,
167  (alpha), A->u, ldau,
168  work, K,
169  (beta), Cptr, ldcu );
171  flops = flops2;
172  pastix_atomic_unlock( lock );
173  }
175  if ( allocated ) {
176  free( work );
177  }
178  return flops;
179 }
181 /**
182  *******************************************************************************
183  *
184  * @brief Perform the operation C = alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta C, with B and C
185  * full-rank and A low-rank.
186  *
187  *******************************************************************************
188  *
189  * @param[inout] params
190  * The LRMM structure that stores all the parameters used in the LRMM
191  * functions family.
192  * On exit, the C matrix contains the product AB aligned with its own
193  * dimensions.
194  * @sa core_slrmm_t
195  *
196  *******************************************************************************
197  *
198  * @return The number of flops required to perform the operation.
199  *
200  *******************************************************************************/
203 {
205  float *Cptr;
206  pastix_int_t ldau, ldav, ldbu, ldcu;
207  pastix_fixdbl_t flops1 = FLOPS_SGEMM( A->rk, N, K ) + FLOPS_SGEMM( M, N, A->rk );
208  pastix_fixdbl_t flops2 = FLOPS_SGEMM( M, K, A->rk ) + FLOPS_SGEMM( M, N, K );
209  pastix_fixdbl_t flops;
210  int allocated = 0;
213  ldau = (transA == PastixNoTrans) ? M : K;
214  ldav = ( A->rk == -1 ) ? -1 : A->rkmax;
215  ldbu = (transB == PastixNoTrans) ? K : N;
217  ldcu = Cm;
218  Cptr = C->u;
219  Cptr += ldcu * offy + offx;
221  /*
222  * A( M-by-ra x ra-by-K ) * B(N-by-K)^t
223  */
224  if ( flops1 <= flops2 ) {
225  if ( (work = core_slrmm_getws( params, A->rk * N )) == NULL ) {
226  work = malloc( A->rk * N * sizeof(float) );
227  allocated = 1;
228  }
230  /*
231  * Au * (Av^t * B^t)
232  */
233  cblas_sgemm( CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)transB,
234  A->rk, N, K,
235  (sone), A->v, ldav,
236  B->u, ldbu,
237  (szero), work, A->rk );
239  pastix_atomic_lock( lock );
240  assert( C->rk == -1 ); /* Check that C has not changed due to parallelism */
241  cblas_sgemm( CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
242  M, N, A->rk,
243  (alpha), A->u, ldau,
244  work, A->rk,
245  (beta), Cptr, ldcu );
247  flops = flops1;
248  pastix_atomic_unlock( lock );
249  }
250  else {
251  if ( (work = core_slrmm_getws( params, M * K )) == NULL ) {
252  work = malloc( M * K * sizeof(float) );
253  allocated = 1;
254  }
256  /*
257  * (Au * Av^t) * B^t
258  */
259  cblas_sgemm( CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
260  M, K, A->rk,
261  (sone), A->u, ldau,
262  A->v, ldav,
263  (szero), work, M );
265  pastix_atomic_lock( lock );
266  assert( C->rk == -1 ); /* Check that C has not changed due to parallelism */
267  cblas_sgemm( CblasColMajor, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)transA, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)transB,
268  M, N, K,
269  (alpha), work, M,
270  B->u, ldbu,
271  (beta), Cptr, ldcu );
273  flops = flops2;
274  pastix_atomic_unlock( lock );
275  }
277  if ( allocated ) {
278  free( work );
279  }
280  return flops;
281 }
283 /**
284  *******************************************************************************
285  *
286  * @brief Perform the operation C = alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta C, with A and B
287  * low-rank and C full-rank.
288  *
289  *******************************************************************************
290  *
291  * @param[inout] params
292  * The LRMM structure that stores all the parameters used in the LRMM
293  * functions family.
294  * On exit, the C matrix contains the product AB aligned with its own
295  * dimensions.
296  * @sa core_slrmm_t
297  *
298  *******************************************************************************
299  *
300  * @return The number of flops required to perform the operation.
301  *
302  *******************************************************************************/
305 {
307  float *Cptr;
308  pastix_int_t ldcu;
309  pastix_lrblock_t AB;
311  int infomask = 0;
312  pastix_fixdbl_t flops;
314  ldcu = Cm;
315  Cptr = C->u;
316  Cptr += ldcu * offy + offx;
318  flops = core_slrlr2lr( params, &AB, &infomask );
319  assert( AB.rk != -1 );
320  assert( AB.rkmax != -1 );
322  if ( infomask & PASTIX_LRM3_TRANSB ) {
323  trans = transB;
324  }
326  if ( AB.rk > 0 ) {
327  pastix_int_t ldabv = (trans == PastixNoTrans) ? AB.rkmax : N;
329  pastix_atomic_lock( lock );
330  assert( C->rk == -1 ); /* Check that C has not changed due to parallelism */
332  cblas_sgemm( CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, (CBLAS_TRANSPOSE)trans,
333  M, N, AB.rk,
334  (alpha), AB.u, M,
335  AB.v, ldabv,
336  (beta), Cptr, ldcu );
337  flops = FLOPS_SGEMM( M, N, AB.rk );
338  pastix_atomic_unlock( lock );
339  }
341  /* Free memory from zlrm3 */
342  if ( infomask & PASTIX_LRM3_ALLOCU ) {
343  free(AB.u);
344  }
345  if ( infomask & PASTIX_LRM3_ALLOCV ) {
346  free(AB.v);
347  }
350  return flops;
351 }
BEGIN_C_DECLS typedef int pastix_int_t
Definition: datatypes.h:51
double pastix_fixdbl_t
Definition: datatypes.h:65
Initialize all the parameters of the core_slrmm family functions to ease the access.
pastix_fixdbl_t core_sfrfr2fr(core_slrmm_t *params)
Perform the full-rank operation C = alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta C.
Definition: core_sxx2fr.c:48
pastix_fixdbl_t core_slrfr2fr(core_slrmm_t *params)
Perform the operation C = alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta C, with B and C full-rank and A low-rank.
Definition: core_sxx2fr.c:202
pastix_fixdbl_t core_slrlr2fr(core_slrmm_t *params)
Perform the operation C = alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta C, with A and B low-rank and C full-rank.
Definition: core_sxx2fr.c:304
static float * core_slrmm_getws(core_slrmm_t *params, ssize_t newsize)
Function to get a workspace pointer if space is available in the one provided.
pastix_fixdbl_t core_slrlr2lr(core_slrmm_t *params, pastix_lrblock_t *AB, int *infomask)
Perform the operation AB = op(A) * op(B), with A, B, and AB low-rank.
Definition: core_sxx2lr.c:442
Void all the parameters of the core_slrmm family functions to silent warnings.
pastix_fixdbl_t core_sfrlr2fr(core_slrmm_t *params)
Perform the operation C = alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta C, with A and C full-rank and B low-rank.
Definition: core_sxx2fr.c:101
Structure to store all the parameters of the core_slrmm family functions.
Macro to specify if the V part of a low-rank matrix has been allocated and need to be freed or not (U...
Macro to specify if the the operator on B, still needs to be applied to the V part of the low-rank ma...
Macro to specify if the U part of a low-rank matrix has been allocated and need to be freed or not (U...
The block low-rank structure to hold a matrix in low-rank form.
enum pastix_trans_e pastix_trans_t
@ PastixNoTrans
Definition: api.h:445