PaStiX Handbook  6.4.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  *
3  * @file bcsc_zspmv.c
4  *
5  * Functions computing matrix-vector products for the BCSC
6  *
7  * @copyright 2004-2024 Bordeaux INP, CNRS (LaBRI UMR 5800), Inria,
8  * Univ. Bordeaux. All rights reserved.
9  *
10  * @version 6.4.0
11  * @author Mathieu Faverge
12  * @author Vincent Bridonneau
13  * @author Theophile Terraz
14  * @author Tony Delarue
15  * @date 2024-07-05
16  *
17  * @generated from /builds/solverstack/pastix/bcsc/bcsc_zspmv.c, normal z -> z, Tue Oct 8 14:17:55 2024
18  *
19  **/
20 #include "common.h"
21 #include <math.h>
22 #include "bcsc/bcsc.h"
23 #include "bcsc_z.h"
24 #include "blend/solver.h"
25 #include "pastix/datatypes.h"
29 typedef void ( *bcsc_zspmv_Ax_fct_t )( const pastix_bcsc_t *,
30  const bcsc_cblk_t *,
31  pastix_complex64_t,
32  const pastix_complex64_t *,
33  const pastix_complex64_t *,
34  pastix_complex64_t,
35  pastix_complex64_t * );
37 static inline void
38 __bcsc_zspmv_by( pastix_int_t n,
39  pastix_complex64_t beta,
40  pastix_complex64_t *y )
41 {
42  if( beta != (pastix_complex64_t)0.0 )
43  {
44  pastix_int_t j;
45  for( j=0; j<n; j++, y++ )
46  {
47  (*y) *= beta;
48  }
49  }
50  else
51  {
52  memset( y, 0, n * sizeof(pastix_complex64_t) );
53  }
54 }
56 static inline void
57 __bcsc_zspmv_Ax( const pastix_bcsc_t *bcsc,
58  const bcsc_cblk_t *cblk,
59  pastix_complex64_t alpha,
60  const pastix_complex64_t *A,
61  const pastix_complex64_t *x,
62  pastix_complex64_t beta,
63  pastix_complex64_t *y )
64 {
65  pastix_int_t i, j;
67  __bcsc_zspmv_by( cblk->colnbr, beta, y );
69  for( j=0; j<cblk->colnbr; j++, y++ )
70  {
71  for( i=cblk->coltab[j]; i< cblk->coltab[j+1]; i++ )
72  {
73  *y += alpha * A[i] * x[ bcsc->rowtab[i] ];
74  }
75  }
76 }
78 static inline void
79 __bcsc_zspmv_Ax_ind( const pastix_bcsc_t *bcsc,
80  pastix_complex64_t alpha,
81  const pastix_complex64_t *A,
82  const pastix_complex64_t *x,
83  pastix_complex64_t beta,
84  pastix_complex64_t *y )
85 {
86  const pastix_complex64_t *xptr = x;
87  pastix_int_t bloc, i, j;
89  __bcsc_zspmv_by( bcsc->gN, beta, y );
91  for( bloc=0; bloc<bcsc->cscfnbr; bloc++ )
92  {
93  for( j=0; j < bcsc->cscftab[bloc].colnbr; j++, xptr++ )
94  {
95  for( i = bcsc->cscftab[bloc].coltab[j]; i < bcsc->cscftab[bloc].coltab[j+1]; i++ )
96  {
97  y[ bcsc->rowtab[i] ] += alpha * A[i] * (*xptr);
98  }
99  }
100  }
101 }
103 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
104 static inline void
105 __bcsc_zspmv_conjAx( const pastix_bcsc_t *bcsc,
106  const bcsc_cblk_t *cblk,
107  pastix_complex64_t alpha,
108  const pastix_complex64_t *A,
109  const pastix_complex64_t *x,
110  pastix_complex64_t beta,
111  pastix_complex64_t *y )
112 {
113  pastix_int_t i, j;
115  __bcsc_zspmv_by( cblk->colnbr, beta, y );
117  for( j=0; j<cblk->colnbr; j++, y++ )
118  {
119  for( i=cblk->coltab[j]; i< cblk->coltab[j+1]; i++ )
120  {
121  *y += alpha * conj( A[i] ) * x[ bcsc->rowtab[i] ];
122  }
123  }
124 }
125 #endif
127 static inline void
128 __bcsc_zspmv_loop( const SolverMatrix *solvmtx,
129  pastix_trans_t trans,
130  pastix_complex64_t alpha,
131  const pastix_bcsc_t *bcsc,
132  const pastix_complex64_t *x,
133  pastix_complex64_t beta,
134  pastix_complex64_t *y,
135  pastix_int_t rank,
136  pastix_int_t begin,
137  pastix_int_t end )
138 {
139  bcsc_zspmv_Ax_fct_t zspmv_Ax = __bcsc_zspmv_Ax;
140  pastix_complex64_t *valptr = NULL;
141  pastix_int_t bloc;
142  bcsc_cblk_t *cblk;
144  /*
145  * There are three cases:
146  * We can use the Lvalues pointer directly:
147  * - The matrix is general and we use A^t
148  * - the matrix is symmetric or hermitian
149  * We can use the Uvalues pointer directly
150  * - The matrix is general and we use A
151  * We have to use Lvalues per row (instead of column)
152  * - The matrix A is general and Uvalues is unavailable
153  *
154  * To this, we have to add the conj call if ConjTrans or Hermitian
155  *
156  * Mtxtype | trans asked | algo applied
157  * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
158  + General | NoTrans | U if possible, otherwise indirect L
159  + General | Trans | L
160  + General | ConjTrans | conj(L)
161  + Symmetric | NoTrans | L
162  + Symmetric | Trans | L
163  + Symmetric | ConjTrans | conj(L)
164  + Hermitian | NoTrans | conj(L)
165  + Hermitian | Trans | L
166  + Hermitian | ConjTrans | conj(L)
167  */
168  cblk = bcsc->cscftab + begin;
169  valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)bcsc->Lvalues;
171  if ( (bcsc->mtxtype == PastixGeneral) && (trans == PastixNoTrans) )
172  {
173  /* U */
174  if ( bcsc->Uvalues != NULL ) {
175  valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)bcsc->Uvalues;
176  }
177  /* Indirect L */
178  else {
179  /* Execute in sequential */
180  if ( rank != 0 ) {
181  return;
182  }
183  __bcsc_zspmv_Ax_ind( bcsc, alpha, valptr, x, beta, y );
184  }
185  }
186 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
187  /* Conj(L) */
188  else if ( ( (bcsc->mtxtype == PastixGeneral ) && (trans == PastixConjTrans) ) ||
189  ( (bcsc->mtxtype == PastixSymmetric) && (trans == PastixConjTrans) ) ||
190  ( (bcsc->mtxtype == PastixHermitian) && (trans != PastixTrans ) ) )
191  {
192  zspmv_Ax = __bcsc_zspmv_conjAx;
193  }
194 #endif /* defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c) */
196  for( bloc=begin; bloc<end; bloc++, cblk++ )
197  {
198  const SolverCblk *solv_cblk = solvmtx->cblktab + cblk->cblknum;
199  pastix_complex64_t *yptr = y + solv_cblk->lcolidx;
201  assert( !(solv_cblk->cblktype & (CBLK_FANIN|CBLK_RECV)) );
203  zspmv_Ax( bcsc, cblk, alpha, valptr, x, beta, yptr );
204  }
205 }
209 /**
210  *******************************************************************************
211  *
212  * @ingroup bcsc
213  *
214  * @brief Compute the matrix-vector product y = alpha * A * x + beta * y
215  * (Sequential version)
216  *
217  * Where A is given in the bcsc format, x and y are two vectors of size n, and
218  * alpha and beta are two scalars.
219  *
220  *******************************************************************************
221  *
222  * @param[in] pastix_data
223  * Provide information about bcsc
224  *
225  * @param[in] trans
226  * Specifies whether the matrix A from the bcsc is transposed, not
227  * transposed or conjugate transposed:
228  * = PastixNoTrans: A is not transposed;
229  * = PastixTrans: A is transposed;
230  * = PastixConjTrans: A is conjugate transposed.
231  *
232  * @param[in] alpha
233  * alpha specifies the scalar alpha
234  *
235  * @param[in] x
236  * The vector x.
237  *
238  * @param[in] beta
239  * beta specifies the scalar beta
240  *
241  * @param[inout] y
242  * The vector y.
243  *
244  *******************************************************************************/
245 void
246 bcsc_zspmv_seq( const pastix_data_t *pastix_data,
247  pastix_trans_t trans,
248  pastix_complex64_t alpha,
249  const pastix_complex64_t *x,
250  pastix_complex64_t beta,
251  pastix_complex64_t *y )
252 {
253  pastix_bcsc_t *bcsc = pastix_data->bcsc;
254  SolverMatrix *solvmtx = pastix_data->solvmatr;
256  if( (bcsc == NULL) || (y == NULL) || (x == NULL) ) {
257  return;
258  }
260  __bcsc_zspmv_loop( solvmtx,
261  trans, alpha, bcsc, x, beta, y,
262  0, 0, bcsc->cscfnbr );
263 }
265 /**
266  * @brief Data structure for parallel arguments of spmv functions
267  */
268 struct z_argument_spmv_s {
269  pastix_trans_t trans;
270  pastix_complex64_t alpha;
271  const pastix_bcsc_t *bcsc;
272  const pastix_complex64_t *x;
273  pastix_complex64_t beta;
274  pastix_complex64_t *y;
275  SolverMatrix *mtx;
276  pastix_int_t *start_indexes; /* starting position for each thread*/
277  pastix_int_t *start_bloc;
278 };
280 /**
281  *******************************************************************************
282  *
283  * @ingroup bcsc_internal
284  *
285  * @brief Compute the matrix-vector product y = alpha * op(A) * x + beta * y
286  *
287  * Where A is given in the bcsc format, x and y are two vectors of size n, and
288  * alpha and beta are two scalars.
289  * The op function is specified by the trans parameter and performs the
290  * operation as follows:
291  * trans = PastixNoTrans y := alpha*A *x + beta*y
292  * trans = PastixTrans y := alpha*A' *x + beta*y
293  * trans = PastixConjTrans y := alpha*conj(A')*x + beta*y
294  *
295  *******************************************************************************
296  *
297  * @param[in] ctx
298  * the context of the current thread
299  *
300  * @param[inout] args
301  * The parameter as specified in bcsc_zspmv.
302  *
303  *******************************************************************************/
304 void
305 pthread_bcsc_zspmv( isched_thread_t *ctx,
306  void *args )
307 {
308  struct z_argument_spmv_s *arg = (struct z_argument_spmv_s*)args;
309  const pastix_bcsc_t *bcsc = arg->bcsc;
310  pastix_int_t begin, end, size, rank;
311  pastix_int_t *start_indexes = arg->start_indexes;
312  pastix_int_t *start_bloc = arg->start_bloc;
314  rank = (pastix_int_t)ctx->rank;
315  size = (pastix_int_t)ctx->global_ctx->world_size;
317  begin = start_bloc[rank];
318  if ( rank == (size - 1) )
319  {
320  end = bcsc->cscfnbr;
321  }
322  else {
323  end = start_bloc[rank + 1];
324  }
326  __bcsc_zspmv_loop( arg->mtx,
327  arg->trans, arg->alpha, bcsc, arg->x,
328  arg->beta, arg->y + start_indexes[rank],
329  rank, begin, end );
330 }
332 /**
333  *******************************************************************************
334  *
335  * @ingroup bcsc_internal
336  *
337  * @brief Compute the matrix-vector product y = alpha * op(A) * x + beta * y
338  *
339  * Where A is given in the bcsc format, x and y are two vectors of size n, and
340  * alpha and beta are two scalars.
341  * The op function is specified by the trans parameter and performs the
342  * operation as follows:
343  * trans = PastixNoTrans y := alpha*A *x + beta*y
344  * trans = PastixTrans y := alpha*A' *x + beta*y
345  * trans = PastixConjTrans y := alpha*conj(A')*x + beta*y
346  *
347  *******************************************************************************
348  *
349  * @param[in] ctx
350  * the context of the current thread
351  *
352  * @param[inout] args
353  * The parameter as specified in bcsc_zspmv.
354  *
355  *******************************************************************************/
356 void
357 pthread_bcsc_zspmv_tasktab( isched_thread_t *ctx,
358  void *args )
359 {
360  bcsc_zspmv_Ax_fct_t zspmv_Ax = __bcsc_zspmv_Ax;
361  struct z_argument_spmv_s *arg = (struct z_argument_spmv_s*)args;
362  pastix_trans_t trans = arg->trans;
363  pastix_complex64_t alpha = arg->alpha;
364  const pastix_bcsc_t *bcsc = arg->bcsc;
365  const pastix_complex64_t *x = arg->x;
366  pastix_complex64_t beta = arg->beta;
367  pastix_complex64_t *y = arg->y;
368  pastix_complex64_t *valptr = NULL;
369  pastix_complex64_t *yptr;
370  pastix_int_t rank;
371  SolverMatrix *mtx = arg->mtx;
372  pastix_int_t tasknbr, *tasktab;
373  pastix_int_t ii, task_id;
374  SolverCblk *solv_cblk;
375  bcsc_cblk_t *bcsc_cblk;
376  Task *t;
378  rank = (pastix_int_t)ctx->rank;
380  tasknbr = mtx->ttsknbr[rank];
381  tasktab = mtx->ttsktab[rank];
383  /*
384  * There are three cases:
385  * We can use the Lvalues pointer directly:
386  * - The matrix is general and we use A^t
387  * - The matrix is symmetric or hermitian
388  * We can use the Uvalues pointer directly
389  * - The matrix is general and we use A
390  * We have to use Lvalues per row (instead of column)
391  * - The matrix A is general and Uvalues is unavailable
392  *
393  * To this, we have to add the conj call if ConjTrans or Hermitian
394  *
395  * Mtxtype | trans asked | algo applied
396  * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
397  + General | NoTrans | U if possible, otherwise indirect L
398  + General | Trans | L
399  + General | ConjTrans | conj(L)
400  + Symmetric | NoTrans | L
401  + Symmetric | Trans | L
402  + Symmetric | ConjTrans | conj(L)
403  + Hermitian | NoTrans | conj(L)
404  + Hermitian | Trans | L
405  + Hermitian | ConjTrans | conj(L)
406  */
407  valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)bcsc->Lvalues;
409  if ( (bcsc->mtxtype == PastixGeneral) && (trans == PastixNoTrans) )
410  {
411  /* U */
412  if ( bcsc->Uvalues != NULL ) {
413  valptr = (pastix_complex64_t*)bcsc->Uvalues;
414  }
415  /* Indirect L */
416  else {
417  /* Execute in sequential */
418  if ( rank != 0 ) {
419  return;
420  }
421  __bcsc_zspmv_Ax_ind( bcsc, alpha, valptr, x, beta, y );
422  return;
423  }
424  }
425 #if defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c)
426  /* Conj(L) */
427  else if ( ( (bcsc->mtxtype == PastixGeneral ) && (trans == PastixConjTrans) ) ||
428  ( (bcsc->mtxtype == PastixSymmetric) && (trans == PastixConjTrans) ) ||
429  ( (bcsc->mtxtype == PastixHermitian) && (trans != PastixTrans ) ) )
430  {
431  zspmv_Ax = __bcsc_zspmv_conjAx;
432  }
433 #endif /* defined(PRECISION_z) || defined(PRECISION_c) */
435  for (ii=0; ii<tasknbr; ii++)
436  {
437  task_id = tasktab[ii];
438  t = mtx->tasktab + task_id;
440  solv_cblk = mtx->cblktab + t->cblknum;
441  bcsc_cblk = bcsc->cscftab + solv_cblk->bcscnum;
442  yptr = y + solv_cblk->lcolidx;
444  zspmv_Ax( bcsc, bcsc_cblk, alpha, valptr, x, beta, yptr );
445  }
446 }
448 /**
449  *******************************************************************************
450  *
451  * @ingroup bcsc_internal
452  *
453  * @brief Initialize indexes for vector pointer and bloc indexes
454  * for parallel version of spmv.
455  *
456  * This function Initial indexes for each thread
457  * in order to computes it once instead of once per thread. This is a more
458  * sophisticated version trying to balance the load for each thread in terms
459  * of bloc size.
460  *
461  *******************************************************************************
462  *
463  * @param[in] pastix_data
464  * The pastix_data structure providing number of threads and holding
465  * the A matrix.
466  *
467  * @param[out] args
468  * The argument containing arrays to initialise (blocs and indexes).
469  *
470  *******************************************************************************/
471 void
473  struct z_argument_spmv_s *args )
474 {
475  pastix_int_t rank, bloc, size;
476  pastix_int_t ratio, total, load;
477  pastix_bcsc_t *bcsc = pastix_data->bcsc;
478  bcsc_cblk_t *cblk = bcsc->cscftab;
480  if ( bcsc->mtxtype != PastixGeneral ) {
481  total = 2 * pastix_data->csc->nnzexp - bcsc->gN;
482  } else {
483  total = pastix_data->csc->nnzexp;
484  }
485  size = pastix_data->isched->world_size;
486  ratio = pastix_iceil( total, size );
487  load = 0;
489  args->start_bloc[0] = 0;
490  args->start_indexes[0] = 0;
492  for ( bloc = 0, rank = 1; bloc < bcsc->cscfnbr; ++bloc, ++cblk )
493  {
494  if ( load >= ratio ) {
495  assert( rank < size );
497  args->start_bloc[rank] = bloc;
498  args->start_indexes[rank] = pastix_data->solvmatr->cblktab[bloc].fcolnum;
500  rank ++;
501  total -= load;
502  load = 0;
503  }
504  load += cblk->coltab[cblk->colnbr] - cblk->coltab[0];
505  }
507  total -= load;
508  assert( total == 0 );
510  for ( ; rank < size; rank ++ ) {
511  args->start_bloc[rank] = bcsc->cscfnbr;
512  args->start_indexes[rank] = bcsc->gN;
513  }
514 }
516 /**
517  *******************************************************************************
518  *
519  * @ingroup bcsc
520  *
521  * @brief Perform y = alpha A x + beta y (Parallel version)
522  *
523  * This functions is parallelized through the internal static scheduler.
524  *
525  *******************************************************************************
526  *
527  * @param[in] pastix_data
528  * The pastix_data structure that holds the A matrix.
529  *
530  * @param[in] trans
531  * Specifies whether the matrix A from the bcsc is transposed, not
532  * transposed or conjugate transposed:
533  * = PastixNoTrans: A is not transposed;
534  * = PastixTrans: A is transposed;
535  * = PastixConjTrans: A is conjugate transposed.
536  *
537  * @param[in] alpha
538  * The scalar alpha.
539  *
540  * @param[in] x
541  * The vector x
542  *
543  * @param[in] beta
544  * The scalar beta.
545  *
546  * @param[inout] y
547  * On entry, the vector y
548  * On exit, alpha A x + y
549  *
550  *******************************************************************************/
551 void
552 bcsc_zspmv_smp( const pastix_data_t *pastix_data,
553  pastix_trans_t trans,
554  pastix_complex64_t alpha,
555  const pastix_complex64_t *x,
556  pastix_complex64_t beta,
557  pastix_complex64_t *y )
558 {
559  pastix_bcsc_t *bcsc = pastix_data->bcsc;
560  struct z_argument_spmv_s arg = { trans, alpha, bcsc, x, beta, y,
561  pastix_data->solvmatr, NULL, NULL };
563  if( (bcsc == NULL) || (y == NULL) || (x == NULL) ) {
564  return;
565  }
567  isched_parallel_call( pastix_data->isched, pthread_bcsc_zspmv_tasktab, &arg );
569 #if 0
570  /*
571  * Version that balances the number of nnz per thread, instead of exploiting
572  * the tasktab array.
573  */
574  {
575  MALLOC_INTERN( arg.start_indexes, 2 * pastix_data->isched->world_size, pastix_int_t );
576  arg.start_bloc = arg.start_indexes + pastix_data->isched->world_size;
578  bcsc_zspmv_get_balanced_indexes( pastix_data, &arg );
580  isched_parallel_call( pastix_data->isched, pthread_bcsc_zspmv, &arg );
582  memFree_null( arg.start_indexes );
583  }
584 #endif
585 }
587 /**
588  *******************************************************************************
589  *
590  * @brief Compute the matrix-vector product y = alpha * op(A) * x + beta * y
591  *
592  * Where A is given in the bcsc format, x and y are two vectors of size n, and
593  * alpha and beta are two scalars.
594  * The op function is specified by the trans parameter and performs the
595  * operation as follows:
596  * trans = PastixNoTrans y := alpha*A *x + beta*y
597  * trans = PastixTrans y := alpha*A' *x + beta*y
598  * trans = PastixConjTrans y := alpha*conj(A')*x + beta*y
599  *
600  * This function is used only in testings.
601  *
602  *******************************************************************************
603  *
604  * @param[in] pastix_data
605  * Provide information about bcsc, and select the scheduling version
606  * based on iparm[IPARM_SCHEDULER].
607  *
608  * @param[in] trans
609  * Specifies whether the matrix A from the bcsc is transposed, not
610  * transposed or conjugate transposed:
611  * = PastixNoTrans: A is not transposed;
612  * = PastixTrans: A is transposed;
613  * = PastixConjTrans: A is conjugate transposed.
614  *
615  * @param[in] alpha
616  * alpha specifies the scalar alpha
617  *
618  * @param[in] x
619  * The vector x.
620  *
621  * @param[in] beta
622  * beta specifies the scalar beta
623  *
624  * @param[inout] y
625  * The vector y.
626  *
627  *******************************************************************************/
628 void
629 bcsc_zspmv( const pastix_data_t *pastix_data,
630  pastix_trans_t trans,
631  pastix_complex64_t alpha,
632  const pastix_complex64_t *x,
633  pastix_complex64_t beta,
634  pastix_complex64_t *y )
635 {
636  const pastix_complex64_t *xglobal;
637  const pastix_int_t *iparm = pastix_data->iparm;
638  pastix_trans_t transA = iparm[IPARM_TRANSPOSE_SOLVE];
640  /*
641  * trans | transA | Final
642  * ----------------+-----------------+-----------------
643  * PastixNoTrans | PastixNoTrans | PastixNoTrans
644  * PastixNoTrans | PastixTrans | PastixTrans
645  * PastixNoTrans | PastixConjTrans | PastixConjTrans
646  * PastixTrans | PastixNoTrans | PastixTrans
647  * PastixTrans | PastixTrans | PastixNoTrans
648  * PastixTrans | PastixConjTrans | INCORRECT
649  * PastixConjTrans | PastixNoTrans | PastixConjTrans
650  * PastixConjTrans | PastixTrans | INCORRECT
651  * PastixConjTrans | PastixConjTrans | PastixNoTrans
652  */
653  if ( trans == PastixNoTrans ) {
654  trans = transA;
655  }
656  else if ( trans == transA ) {
657  trans = PastixNoTrans;
658  }
659  else if ( transA != PastixNoTrans ) {
660  pastix_print_error( "bcsc_zspmv: incompatible trans and transA" );
661  return;
662  }
664  /* y is duplicated on all nodes. Set to 0 non local data */
665  xglobal = bvec_zgather_remote( pastix_data, x );
667  if ( (iparm[IPARM_SCHEDULER] == PastixSchedStatic) ||
668  (iparm[IPARM_SCHEDULER] == PastixSchedDynamic) ) {
669  bcsc_zspmv_smp( pastix_data, trans, alpha, xglobal, beta, y );
670  }
671  else {
672  bcsc_zspmv_seq( pastix_data, trans, alpha, xglobal, beta, y );
673  }
675  if ( x != xglobal ) {
676  free( (void*)xglobal );
677  }
678 }
BEGIN_C_DECLS typedef int pastix_int_t
Definition: datatypes.h:51
void bcsc_zspmv_get_balanced_indexes(const pastix_data_t *pastix_data, struct z_argument_spmv_s *args)
Initialize indexes for vector pointer and bloc indexes for parallel version of spmv.
Definition: bcsc_zspmv.c:472
void pthread_bcsc_zspmv(isched_thread_t *ctx, void *args)
Compute the matrix-vector product y = alpha * op(A) * x + beta * y.
Definition: bcsc_zspmv.c:305
void pthread_bcsc_zspmv_tasktab(isched_thread_t *ctx, void *args)
Compute the matrix-vector product y = alpha * op(A) * x + beta * y.
Definition: bcsc_zspmv.c:357
pastix_int_t colnbr
Definition: bcsc.h:111
pastix_int_t * coltab
Definition: bcsc.h:113
pastix_int_t cblknum
Definition: bcsc.h:112
void bcsc_zspmv_smp(const pastix_data_t *pastix_data, pastix_trans_t trans, pastix_complex64_t alpha, const pastix_complex64_t *x, pastix_complex64_t beta, pastix_complex64_t *y)
Perform y = alpha A x + beta y (Parallel version)
Definition: bcsc_zspmv.c:552
const pastix_complex64_t * bvec_zgather_remote(const pastix_data_t *pastix_data, const pastix_complex64_t *y)
Gather a distributed right hand side (bvec storage) on all nodes.
void bcsc_zspmv(const pastix_data_t *pastix_data, pastix_trans_t trans, pastix_complex64_t alpha, const pastix_complex64_t *x, pastix_complex64_t beta, pastix_complex64_t *y)
Compute the matrix-vector product y = alpha * op(A) * x + beta * y.
Definition: bcsc_zspmv.c:629
void bcsc_zspmv_seq(const pastix_data_t *pastix_data, pastix_trans_t trans, pastix_complex64_t alpha, const pastix_complex64_t *x, pastix_complex64_t beta, pastix_complex64_t *y)
Compute the matrix-vector product y = alpha * A * x + beta * y (Sequential version)
Definition: bcsc_zspmv.c:246
Compressed colptr format for the bcsc.
Definition: bcsc.h:110
#define PastixSymmetric
Definition: api.h:459
#define PastixGeneral
Definition: api.h:458
#define PastixHermitian
Definition: api.h:460
enum pastix_trans_e pastix_trans_t
Definition: api.h:117
Definition: api.h:106
@ PastixConjTrans
Definition: api.h:447
@ PastixNoTrans
Definition: api.h:445
@ PastixTrans
Definition: api.h:446
@ PastixSchedStatic
Definition: api.h:335
@ PastixSchedDynamic
Definition: api.h:338
SolverMatrix * solvmatr
Definition: pastixdata.h:103
pastix_int_t * iparm
Definition: pastixdata.h:70
const spmatrix_t * csc
Definition: pastixdata.h:90
isched_t * isched
Definition: pastixdata.h:86
pastix_bcsc_t * bcsc
Definition: pastixdata.h:102
Main PaStiX data structure.
Definition: pastixdata.h:68
pastix_int_t cblknum
Definition: solver.h:125
pastix_int_t lcolidx
Definition: solver.h:170
pastix_int_t bcscnum
Definition: solver.h:175
SolverCblk *restrict cblktab
Definition: solver.h:228
int8_t cblktype
Definition: solver.h:164
pastix_int_t fcolnum
Definition: solver.h:166
Solver column block structure.
Definition: solver.h:161
Solver column block structure.
Definition: solver.h:203
The task structure for the numerical factorization.
Definition: solver.h:122